Essence of Typography Trilogy Exhibition, 2023
Typography was created and evolved as a means of communication, a form and symbol devised to convey and record abstract thoughts. As the use of typography progressed and diversified, we began to record documents and create laws and norms. At this point, one might question if the typography made for communication is ironically confining and distorting our thoughts. I cast doubt on this: thoughts trapped by typography, thoughts distorted by typeface. What was once a means to express thoughts has now become a tool limiting them. I want to return to the beginning, focusing on the fundamental and essential aspects.

This exhibition begins with questioning whether the typography created for communication is now suppressing and distorting our thoughts. Starting from this question, it aims to focus on the fundamental and essential aspects of communication.

Viewpoint of Typeface

Group project: 5 people
Contribution: Conceptual Design, Structural Formation, Installation
Size: 3,000x5,000x3,000mm
Meterials: Foamcore

‘Viewpoint of Typeface’ marks the beginning of this trilogy exhibition. Designed in a massive 3m x 5m x 3m space, it features various alphabets as large structures. These structures offer different visual effects based on the viewer's position - stripes from the left, alphabets from the right. This exhibit demonstrates how the same essence of typeface can transform based on perspective. It focuses on how the form and arrangement of language in modern society can distort and change its meaning. Additionally, the exhibition exaggerates the texture and weight of language to convey the oppressive nature of written language visually. In this maximized space of language forms, visitors experience the distorted meanings and directions of language.


This exhibition explores how typefaces can be perceived and interpreted differently based on the viewer's visual perspective and position.
It displays various typefaces as large-scale structures within a vast space, allowing visitors to physically experience the typefaces.
As visitors walk around these typographic structures and observe them from different angles, the letters offer a variety of visual effects,
appearing as stripes, abstract shapes, or clear alphabets.

Nuance of Typeface

Group project: 5 people
Contribution: Conceptual Design, Structural Formation, Installation
Size: 3,000x5,000x3,000mm
Meterials: Tile, Adhesive Film

‘Nuance of Typeface’ deconstructs and reconstructs the pure formal characteristics of typefaces to emphasize their role not just as tools for information transmission,
but as unique mediums conveying emotions and personality. The reassembled patterns of each typeface's structural features offer an exploration of information delivery methods
and their visual impact, highlighting how individuals in the digital age respond to the subtle nuances of typefaces and how this influences the interpretation of information.


This work was created using three typefaces, deconstructed distinctly characteristic and purposeful typefaces like 'Times New Roman', 'Didot', and 'Avant Garde Gothic',
stripping away the meaning of the characters to extract their pure formal attributes. These extracted forms are reassembled into patterns and created into 15x15cm tiles,
which are then affixed to the walls of the exhibition space, filling it with the nuances of the three typefaces.

Bias of Typeface

Group project: 2 people
Contribution: Conceptual Design, Visual Design, Web Design/Development
Responsive Web, Typeface Family

‘Bias of Typeface’ is an interactive web project that offers deep reflection on information and its consumption in modern society.
This exhibit utilizes random online article titles, tracking where viewers' gazes linger using mouse-hovering data.
This intriguing approach results in letters where the gaze is concentrated growing larger, while those overlooked shrink progressively.
When the letters enlarge beyond a certain level, they become distorted to the point of being unrecognizable, symbolically representing how information can become skewed as the public focuses biasedly on a single piece of information.

Web URL :
Code with : next.js, typescript, tailwindcss


Multiple clients are connected via web sockets, enabling event exchange when the mouse hovers over words.
When the characters that fade to a level below 1 (reaching level 0) constitute 50% of the entire sentence, the source is replaced with a different article.

In this work, the transformation of typeface is represented through 'InfoPixel', expressed as dots. The enlargement of dots that compose the typeface symbolizes excessive focus and bias towards information. Conversely, the shrinking of these dots represents the neglect or oversight of information, indicating that important facts or perspectives can be marginalized and forgotten.

The consumption of information changes over time, with the proportion of frequently consumed information growing and becoming more consumed as the volume of available information increases. However, if individuals continue to consume biased information, this bias will intensify, leading to further distortion of the information.

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